10 top spots for your New Forest Easter Egg Hunt

Ready. Set. Go….

Here’s our guide to where to set up your egg-tastic afternoon for New Forest Easter Egg Hunt. (And the puns stop here!)

  1. Coastal Easter Egg Hunt 

  2. 1. For a short walk with great picnic spot options, we recommend starting at Tanners Lane Beach. Turn right at the sea and head towards Lymington. Walk away from the parking area and you’ll find yourself by a ‘poo-sticks’ bridge, a stand of large pine trees and lawn-like grass that stops in the sea. There are plenty of spots to hide eggs along the hedge for your easter egg hunt. Bring a picnic. If the weather is nice you won’t want to go home.
    2. Milford on Sea beach and amongst the beach huts is a favourite. Colourful, jaunty and with plenty of fresh air to blow your cobwebs away.

    3. For a boaty-themed easter egg hunt, how about parking at Lymington Yachthaven. Whilst the kids are finishing lunch at the cafe, pop out and lay a trail from the cafe steps, toward the start of the coastal path. There is masses of marina ‘bitsa’ to look at, plus hundreds of fabulous boats. P.S Yachthaven restaurant is on the first floor and has floor to ceiling glass windows. It looks over the large marina and the food is excellent, the cafe part might be more suitable if your kids are excited and you’re struggling to get them to stay seated…

    Lymington River at Bath Road


Forest Egg Hunts

4. For a proper-forest egg hunt try this. Start from one of the car parks near The Pig Hotel in Brockenhurst. Rhinefield walk area is a show-stopper but can get busy. The trees are so ancient and thick here that there it is rarely windy. So even if it’s raining, you’ll be fairly protected from the wind
5. The New Forest Reptile Centre near Lyndhust is a good place to start. Next to the car park, there is a fantastic play area – inside the rhododendron bushes, by the stream. But be warned, you’ll never get your kids out of it. The Centre is run by the RSPB and they are sure to be running activities too. 
6. How about a walk from the Standing Hat car parks at Brockenhurst? You can head off in most directions for trails that are lovely and quiet – great for that New Forest Easter egg hunt. 
7. Park at the Agammenon Boat Yard and head toward Beaulieu. Not only can you go for a smashing lunch at any of the Beaulieu Cafes but the walk along the river is charming. There’s always lots to see. Go in the evening and the owl-chat is great.
Ancient Trees in the New Forest

Another pic by clever Steve Elson.

Heathy Egg Hunts

How about wide, open views and hide-and-seek in the gorse bushes. All these walks have that in spades.
8. Start off with a walk near Lyndhurst and make a plan to go to Limewood Hotel for lunch. The hotel is well-loved by locals and visitors alike and has a strong reputation. It’s not cheap but it is worth it for the modern Italian food. Do book. For the wildest walks, try to stay on the same side of the town as the hotel. The town traffic can be busy and the heath and forest on the Hotel side is very lovely.
9. For a simple picnic lunch walk, head to Wilverly Plain is lovely. Or the Beaulieu Road area is very pretty and has great long walks with big sky views.
10. Another option is to park at Norley Wood car park, cross the main road and head out in any direction north. You’ll not see anyone after 10 mins of wandering. 
Beautiful heath land of the New Forest

Yet another pic by clever Steve Elson.

Wherever you pick for your Easter Egg Hunt, don’t forget to pick up your litter and  we hope that you enjoy your time in the New Forest over Easter – Click here for more New Forest Inspiration and here for great New Forest Holidays

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